The treated area may be pink and mildly inflamed (similar to the appearance of a mild sunburn) for 24-48 hours following your SkinPen procedure.
24 hours post-procedure, your provider may advise you to keep your skin clean of cosmetics or sunscreen for the remainder of the day.
If you are prone to herpes simplex outbreaks, such as cold sores, consult your provider on ways to treat prior or whether the procedure is appropriate for you.
If your face or treatment area has irritated skin (sunburn, open wounds, sores) the day preceding your appointment, please contact our office before your appointment.
This procedure may not be performed on active breakouts or open lesions. Please consult your provider prior to your SkinPen procedure to address any such issues.
Wait at least six months post isotretinoin use before your SkinPen procedure, as isotretinoin use may impair proper wound healing.
If you have recently used spray or self-tanning lotions on treatment areas before your SkinPen procedure, discuss with your provider.
Avoid sun exposure for 24 hours prior to the procedure.
Discontinue the use of topical products containing AHAs, Retinol or Vitamin A for 24 hours prior to your SkinPen procedure.
If you are on autoimmune therapy, ask your provider if the procedure is appropriate for you.
The day of the procedure:
Unexpected complications may occur when products not proven safe for use with microneedling are applied post-procedure. Talk to your provider about your skincare routine.
Avoid strenuous exercise or excessive perspiration, as excess blood flow and sweat can cause discomfort and irritation to compromised skin for 72 hours.
Skinfuse® Lift HG may be applied additionally the day of the procedure to assist with skin hydration. Re- apply, as needed, up to 24 hours post procedure.
Strictly avoid sun exposure as you will not be wearing sunscreen. You may return to sunscreen use 24 hours following the procedure. Continue to minimize sun exposure for 72 hours following the procedure.