Notify Nuance Aesthetics if you have had:
Major dental work (excluding routine cleanings) two weeks before/after the proposed injection procedure.
Any recent procedures (cosmetic, surgery, laser, or other).
Any recent illness. If you have facial hair, you should come with a clean-shaven (neck) to the treatment.
If you have facial hair, you should come with a clean-shaven (neck) to the treatment.
If approved by your primary care provider, avoid all blood thinners one week before having your injections. This may include Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Aleve, Motrin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Garlic, Ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Ginkgo biloba, and Primrose oil.
Avoid alcohol 1-2 days prior to treatment to lessen the chances of bruising. Bruising is a possibility, expect swelling.
Plan procedures 2-3 weeks before important events.
Arnica is optional prior to treatment to help minimize bruising.
If possible, come to your appointment with a clean face, free of make-up.
We will not treat you with Kybella if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or leaving town within 5 days.
Redness & swelling are normal for a few days to a week.
Desired results can be expected at 4-6 weeks (after all of the swelling has resolved).
It can usually take a couple of days to a week for swelling to become noticeable. Some patients report looking like a “bullfrog with a bunch of fluid in the skin under the chin.” This is normal.
You may feel numb for the first couple of weeks or months.
Discomfort and tenderness to touch are also common in that time frame.
Do not rub the treated areas.
Gently clean the area 2x daily with mild face wash.
Avoid any irritants (glycolic acid, retinoids, etc.) until all redness/swelling resolves.
You may apply cool compresses/ice for 15 minutes per hour for comfort and to help reduce some swelling.
Please contact us if skin is broken or irritated
Avoid the use of aspirin, St. John’s Wort, and high doses of vitamin E for one week.
Tylenol can be safely taken for discomfort.
After treatment, refrain from strenuous exercise and drinking alcohol for 24 hours.
Try to sleep upright, not on your side, for the first 48 hours to take the pressure off your neck.
Do not plan major dental work (excluding routine cleanings) for two weeks after the injection procedure.
Immediately notify your physician if you have any questions or concerns, or see any signs of problems, which could include:
Severe or extended: pain, redness, swelling, bruising, lumpiness.
Signs of infection.
Blood supply compromise (Signs include blanching or whitening/darkening/blackening of the skin, any discoloration, pain, or skin break/sloughing.)
Trouble swallowing.
Uneven smile.
Trouble with moving the mouth/chin.